Saturday 1 May 2010


Why doesn't david Cameron list is fron bench team. They are all clever men who have done a lot of research into their various roles. They all seem very sensible with their feet on the ground.

George Osborne, the shadow Chancellor: Very clever - done a lot of research and spoken to a great many people who know about the economy - believes that low taxation is the way to properity. He ebelieves the way out of this recession is
business. I think he will stop putting so much tax on petrol because it will give business a boost. He may put up VAT but what would be so wrong with that especially as food is exempt and I think children's clothes. So it would only be on luxuries. Of couse I know luxuries are no longer luxuries in many people's eyes (I am old).

Mr Gove, the shadow Minister for Education: He is exceedingly clever but very much in touch with ordinary people. He will let heads take decisions on discipline etc. He wants to give everyone the type of education that you get in the private sector. Of course that does not mean everyone has the same capacity for education but it means everyone will have the opportunity to attain their potential. He will cut down on the forms that schools have to fill in.

William Hague, Shadow Foriegn Secretary: Another clever man who has written a well researched book on William Pitt, the Younger, therefore has studied politics. I think he would be well respected abroad.

Mr Duncan Smith; He has done a tremendous amount of research on the troubled parts of our country - the so called sink estates etc. I really think he cares and will get things moving in the right direction.

It worries me that Nick Clegg and Vince Cable could have too much say in a hung Parliament. The Liberal Democrates have always been in favour of United Europe and the the Euro or single currency for all the countries of the EU. None of the countries in Europe share the same values or language as one another. How can we be united in our aims. It would be far better to stick to agreements on trade and leave each country to their own beliefs and customs.

Proportional representation has many pitfalls - and is it fairer? Towns would have a disproportional amount of votes compared with the rural populations. As it is rural interests are often overlooked.